Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Cubans Essay Research Paper Cubans are Hispanics free essay sample

Cubans Essay, Research Paper Cubans are Hispanics, of class, and 40 mature ages of communism have non entirely deleted the conventional Latino qualities that Cubans have ever held. Truth be told, there is grounds that the Cuban exchange name of communism has been customized marginally to supplement, or possibly non to confront straight, the conventional qualities. Cuban Hispanics, in any case, has ever been tempered by impacts from its Black people group, and a considerable lot of these impacts have been given pride of topographic point by the communist experts in satisfaction of its motivation to level the individuals of Cuba. So, Cubans can t, and ought to non, be thought of as another gathering of uniform Hispanics. There are contrasts inside any national Hispanic gathering and significant contrasts between any two Latino gatherings ; and Cubans, by excellence of their history and the cultural framework they have lived in, are essentially not quite the same as all. Cuban qualities accentuate corporate riches and corporate political cognizance. We will compose a custom article test on Cubans Essay Research Paper Cubans are Hispanics or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page People groups who have lived in the Cuban cultural framework might be struck adversely by the philistinism, the champ bring home all the glory entrepreneur economy, singularity, rivalry, offense, and prejudice of the United States. It might be difficult for them to see positive features of American human progress. Their negative position might be intensified by their monetary situation. They might be populating in hapless nations, venturing out to less fortunate schools, and at a similar clasp being barraged by promotion and a mind blowing cluster of buyer products. Cuba is customarily a Catholic state, however its Catholicism is abundantly altered and affected. An a lot more grounded profound power is Santeria. Santeria created out of the conventions of the Yoruba, one of the African people groups who were imported to Cuba during the sixteenth through nineteenth hundreds of years to deal with the sugar estates. Santeria mixes components of Christianity and West African convictions and as such made it feasible for the captives to hold their conventional convictions while hoping to design Catholicism. Santeria # 8217 ; s have faith in one God, yet next to in holy people or alcohols known as orishas. These orishas are accepted to have the option to step in on one # 8217 ; s benefit as Catholic holy people can. Santeria # 8217 ; s other than accept that custom devotednesss influencing melodic beat, contributions of supplement and enliven being relinquish, divination with obsessions made of castanetss or shells, charm like ictuss, and different ritu als can reveal the beginnings of day-to-da Y occupations and recommend answers for them. The Cuban specialists has been authoritatively strong of sorted out confidence. Strict opportunity was ensured in the 1976 central law, yet it is extremely difficult to design one # 8217 ; s confidence transparently and win in Cuban culture. Until extremely late, for representation, higher guidance was non available to youthful individuals who transparently declared a confidence. Balance of the genders is the official communist perfect, in spite of the fact that sexism is as yet predominant, and grown-up females despite everything do a large portion of the household work. The Family Code of 1974 set up the official finish of equivalent commitment in the spot, yet truth be told, these wonts and qualities have changed extremely simple. Openly, a grown-up male is viewed as the caput of family in spite of the fact that inside the spot, the grown-up female typically has control. One extremely of import feature of sexual fairness has been managed by and large for representation misss partake each piece in the guidance framework. Potentially as a result of this guidance, increasingly Cuban grown-up females publically go to bat for their privileges than one may envision. While the drawn-out family stays solid in footings of housing, the families much of the time live respectively, mostly in view of the housing shortfall. A trust on twenty-four hours consideration focuses and other open foundations have all around supplanted the customary Hispanic family structure, in which children are about entirely thought about by guardians or grandparents. The people group, region, church, schools and creation community other than fill in as something of a drawn-out family unit, helping to reenforce cultural qualities and enthusiastic security. The specialists gives twenty-four hours care both as an office of freeing grown-up females up to work, what's more as a way to get down guidance in communist qualities early. From the outset there were both interchange and standard focuses. The substitute places dependent on the Swedish hypothetical record accentuated free show, between age groupings, flexibleness, and geographic campaign, and the standard communities concentrated on neatness, organized securing, achievement, and fixed plans. In 1971, all plans were brought together and just the standard assault was proceeded. Focuses stress bunch dramatization, and children are plainly trained that they ought to be part of a gathering. One perceiver has discovered that twenty-four hours consideration focuses attempt to hinder down misogynist mentalities. Young men dramatization with dolls or fake to be medical caretakers, while misss profess to be the family providers or doctors.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Fall Of The Western Roman Empire Essay Example For Students

Fall Of The Western Roman Empire Essay The Roman Empire remained in incredible force for a long time. Rome for a while was viewed as the focal point of human progress for quite a long time. The domain was wonderful and despite the fact that pulled in numerous intruders, was very much secured by the dividers encompassing the realm and obviously the amazing armed force. A few people accepted that the Roman Empire would keep going forever. Political CausesUnder the standard of Diocletian and later Constantine the domain was part into Western and Eastern pieces of Rome. The heads said that the explanation behind that was to make it simpler to oversee. The sovereign decided to administer and fabricate the capital in the Eastern part and gave the Western part to a co-head. The purpose behind that may have been that the eastern part was a lot more extravagant in assets and would be advised to lands for cultivating. There may have been different explanations behind that, for example, the Eastern part didn't create enough nourishm ent for the two pieces of the realm and by isolating them theyd need to deliver their own food and rely on themselves. This was the start, to a long battle of the Western part that was currently fundamentally taken off alone. Numerous changes came in to law to keep the domain together, for example, toleration of Christianity to maintain a strategic distance from their insubordination since there were a great deal of them. In 313 a.d. the Church began partaking in government which gradually removed force from the ruler. More changes like fixing costs and giving more opportunity of love kept the domain together yet certainly would not keep going long. This is so on the grounds that these changes were made to fit individuals today detracting from the sovereign however they never thought of whats going to occur after the head doesn't have anything left to give. Which would happen very soon if things were going down as quick they were. There was nobody to bring matters into their hands s o the domain was left to the individuals themselves to oversee. Social CausesThe individuals of the Western domain from the outset simply proceeded with their lives in light of the fact that the division of the realm didn't have a quick reason on the Western part unquestionably had a drawn out one. Before long individuals began understanding that the Eastern part has nearly isolated from them taking everything every one of these individuals battled for together. Individuals began getting distraught on the grounds that presently isolated they needed more assets to help an entire domain. Residents began loosing trust and their reliability to the head or the Church. These individuals from the outset accused the co-head for allowing the East to east however before long comprehended that the sovereign implied for the entirety of this to occur and lost expectation. The Christian Church plays an incredible job in government, since the co-ruler could no longer control the realm with all the rebellions against him. Before long Christianity turned into the official religion of the Romans. Rome was gradually falling, the main thing that was still sort of keeping the realm together were the rich nobles who were bringing in cash by making the laborers work for them for almost no compensation however these laborers required cash to take care of their families so they worked. Additionally numerous issues disrupted the general flow when the Church needed to partake in policy centered issues just as strict. Numerous contentions occurred settling on this issue. Efficient CausesThe individuals could barely bolster themselves and their families with the huge assessments, swelling, which created after some time, and terrible harvests. As life got more enthusiastically in the West after some time charges got so high that individuals could no longer bear such weight. The nobles or the most noteworthy class were the main ones who could endure and exploited the poor who worked for low wages just to endure. .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4 , .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4 .postImageUrl , .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4 , .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4:hover , .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4:visited , .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4:active { border:0!important; } .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4:active , .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content improvement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u0bfecceac b1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u0bfecceacb1aeead02dacac4d623f1a4:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Human rights infringement against ladies have, for to EssayMilitary CausesThe long haul military causes were the undermining northern clans. There were numerous quick causes that would rise on the off chance that anybody assaulted Western Rome, for example, frail military because of destitution of the Western Empire. The fighters were not, at this point faithful to the military and their ruler. There werent numerous that would hazard their lives for the domain. Presently there were numerous outside officers who served for pay, that made it that a lot harder to have the option to hold an enormous armed force. There wasnt the sort of order they had in the military previously. There were numerous causes that likewise identify with Political, Social, Military, or Economical that I didn't specify in light of the fact that they might not have been as significant. There were a lot of causes both quick and both long haul that prompted the fall of Western Rome. All in all I might want to specify that numerous things prompted the fall of Rome and it would be difficult to maintain a strategic distance from this because of the numerous mix-ups made along the way that prompted the fall of Western Rome. Bibliography1. The Decline and fall of The Roman Empire, by Edward Gibbon. Copyright 1995. 2. Fall of Roman realm, by Michael Grant. Copyright 19963. Huns, Vandals and The Fall of Roman realm, by Thomas Hodgkin. Copyright 1996. 4. Comptons Interactive Encyclopedia. Copyright 1995. European History

Friday, August 21, 2020

Vlaue proposition-2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Vlaue suggestion 2 - Essay Example As per Weis (2014) for a business to be fruitful it needs to have a solid offer. Most organizations have disappointment in deals because of powerless incentives. Barnes (2009) includes that a business could have the best highlights, the best executed introduction, and the best and dazzling cost in the market, however this will have no significance if the clients can't comprehend the elevated level recommendation. The accompanying incentive is for Lab Vlieland which is an imaginative organization that manages inventive and brilliant methods for utilizing vitality and crude materials. The organization points make and offer the island created information and involvement in its condition; the island with the shore and particularly with related celebrations. As indicated by Dussart (2010) clients buy items or administrations to complete specific occupations and this is the reason it significant for organizations to distinguish undiscovered employments. These occupations are basically issues that the clients are as yet confronting considerably subsequent to purchasing the merchandise and ventures at first. Lab Vlieland’s customers’ needs are to achieve Eco inviting administrations that will in the long run help the client like natural protection. The client will likewise have the option to get acknowledgment in the network and the general public. Information and abilities will likewise be procured to help the network. Clients can accomplish budgetary development and income age. As the organization endeavors to address the issues of its clients, much consideration ought to be given to the wants that are not yet met in spite of the past administrations having being offered to them. Lab Vlieland works with a scope of clients and it may be difficult to recognize all the necessities of the One needs to give a depiction of the advantages that the client expects, wants or will be eager to accomplish. As indicated by Osterwalder and Papadakos (2014) it is imperative to

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

AP World History Essay Examples - How to Write the Perfect Essay

AP World History Essay Examples - How to Write the Perfect EssayIn some colleges, AP World History is required. If you are serious about getting into colleges, this course will help you in getting top grades. You need to know what to study so that you can prepare well for the test. You also need to know how to get perfect AP World History essays for your college-level essays.Your preparation can only help you in getting the perfect AP World History papers. The things you need to do include: research and reading, so that you get the facts, or opinions and experiences. Your preparation must be efficient. This is because your preparation is like an encyclopedia. If you want your topic to be all the things, the better preparation you make the more research you can do.You also need to be organized. Get the best arrangement so that you can write accurate world history essays. Once you have the perfect essay, it is up to you if you can read it or not. If you know it is very important, it's better for you to read it even if you do not have the whole paper.The way to make the preparation more efficient is to write it exactly as you did when you were a student. Get the points, study the points, and write the points again. Do not just copy the entire essay. Put the mistakes in the white space, or points for note taking. Make sure that you do not use too much form and that you are not using such an organized paper that does not make sense.Many students do not get the good quality test that they want. In AP World History, you have two different tests. They include a multiple-choice test and a true-false test.The multiple-choice test is the same thing as the SAT (College Board SAT). In the multiple-choice test, students can find out how much they know about the AP world history courses. A high score means that you can get into colleges, universities, and businesses that may have AP World History in their program. Some schools have the high level of education and some have no t.If you are in AP World History, you need to prepare yourself by getting the right preparation and material. Since it is a test, you need to know what to study, study them, and understand them. Get all your ideas from books, video, or other resources so that you can better prepare for your AP World History exam. You will find the best way to prepare for your AP World History essay by getting the details from the right place. Prepare yourself with information, details, and reviews from the right sources.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Natural Selection Hands On Lesson Plan

Students tend to understand concepts better after performing hands-on activities that reinforce the ideas they are studying. This lesson plan on natural selection can be used in many different ways and can be changed to meet the needs of all types of learners. Materials 1. A variety of at least five different kinds of dried beans, split peas, and other legume seeds of various sizes and colors (can be purchased at the grocery store relatively inexpensively). 2. At least three pieces of carpet or cloth (about a square yard) of different colors and texture types. 3. Plastic knives, forks, spoons, and cups. 4. Stopwatch or clock with a second hand. Natural Selection Hands-On Activity Each group of four students should: 1. Count out 50 of each kind of seed and scatter them on the piece of carpet. The seeds represent individuals of a prey population. The different kinds of seeds represent genetic variations or adaptations among the members of the population or different species of prey. 2. Equip three students with a knife, spoon, or fork to represent a population of predators. The knife, spoon, and fork represent variations in the predator population. The fourth student will act as a timekeeper. 3. At the signal of GO given by the timekeeper, the predators proceed to catch prey. They must pick prey off the carpet using their respective tool only and transfer the prey into their cup (no fair putting the cup on the carpet and pushing seeds into it). Predators should only grab one prey at a time rather than scooping the prey up in large numbers. 4. At the end of 45 seconds, the timekeeper should signal STOP. This is the end of the first generation. Each predator should count their number of seeds and record the results. Any predator with fewer than 20 seeds has starved and is out of the game. Any predator with more than 40 seeds successfully reproduced an offspring of the same type. One more player of this type will be added to the next generation. Any predator that has between 20 and 40 seeds is still alive but has not reproduced. 5. Collect the surviving prey off the carpet and count the number for each type of seed. Record the results. Reproduction of the prey population is now represented by adding one more prey of that type the number for every 2 seeds that survived, simulating sexual reproduction. The prey is then scattered on the carpet for the second generation round. 6. Repeat steps 3-6 for two more generations. 7. Repeat steps 1-6 using a different environment (carpet) or compare results with other groups who used different environments. Suggested Discussion Questions 1. The prey population started with an equal number of individuals of each variation. Which variations became more common in the population over time? Explain why. 2. Which variations became less common in the total population or were eliminated entirely? Explain why. 3. Which variations (if any) remained about the same in the population over time? Explain why. 4. Compare the data between the different environments (types of carpet). Were the results the same in the prey populations in all environments? Explain. 5. Relate your data to a natural prey population. Can natural populations be expected to change under pressure of changing biotic or abiotic factors? Explain. 6. The predator population started with an equal number of individuals of each variation (knife, fork, and spoon). Which variation became more common in the total population over time? Explain why. 7. Which variations were eliminated from the population? Explain why. 8. Relate this exercise to a natural predator population. 9. Explain how natural selection works in changing the prey and predator populations over time.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Struggles for Women in Kate Chopin’s The Story...

One can image the struggles women went through during the nineteenth-century having no better option than to be married, widowed, or worse. As a result, Kate Chopin’s theme in â€Å"The Story of an hour† in the book Backpack Literature: An Introduction of Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing might have expressed one of many aspects that women struggled with during that time in an alternating, omniscient point of view. To put it lightly, marriage being one of those struggles in the story makes us think if marriage is not for everyone. Through the author’s diction, it will be clear that Mrs. Louise Mallard being the main character struggles with the antagonist, which is the institution of marriage, and she has a realization that she might have†¦show more content†¦Moreover, as the reader, we see that â€Å"she loved him sometimes† but through her thoughts and action, she did not want to be married to Mr. Brently Mallard. All things considered, this implies that Louise might not have liked the institution of marriage at all. This is where Louise expresses some details as to why she sees marriage as a negative. For instance, Chopin writes Louise thoughts as â€Å"There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature. A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination†¦She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long† (Chopin 170). Well reflecting on her marriage, Louise thinks imposing one’s will power on another, good or bad, is a crime, and she feels that the husband and wife in marriage impose their will on each other, which causes a form of ill-will and the feeling of being confined in their companionship. Now all that matters is tha t she can achieve freedom. This being one of her â€Å"illuminations† that convinces her that in wedlock, she has no real independence. As an illustration, she justifies her feelings of marriage and how it cannot be weighed against her interdependence. The views the narratorShow MoreRelatedKate Chopin s Literary Creativity And Women s Independence1097 Words   |  5 Pages Kate Chopin has become one of the most influential feminist writers of the century. From Chopin’s literary rejection of The Awakening, the rejection sparked a fire in Chopin’s feminist side. Chopin began writing short stories that would become society’s lead in literary creativity and women’s independence. Kate Chopin’s biography is astonishingly intriguing and the importance Chopin plays to the feminist literature genre is exceptional. Critics either rave Chopin’s work or completely destroy itRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin1540 Words   |  7 PagesIn Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, the main character, Mrs. Louise Mallard, is a woman with a heart problem that gets horrifying news that her husband has passed away in a train crash. When she starts thinking about her freedom, she gets excited; she is happy to start her new, free life. However, a few hours later her husband walks in the door and she finds out it was all a mistake. When she realizes her freedom is gone her heart stop and she then dies. In â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† Desiree is an orphanedRead MoreKate Chopin, An American Writer1425 Words   |  6 PagesKate Chopin, an American writer, known for her vivid portrayals of women’s lives during the late 1800s. Her fiction works usually set in Louisiana, which contributed too much of her description of women’s roles. During Chopin’s time, Louisiana was in the midst of reconstruction and was having racial and economic issues. (Skaggs 4) Louisiana is the setting for many of Chopin’s stories, and they depict a realistic picture of Louisiana society. Kate Chopin published two novels and many short storiesRead MoreFemale Characters Overthrowing Gender Roles1101 Words   |  5 Pagesincluding short fiction, women are portrayed as good, evil, funny, dry, smart, stupid, almost any adjective you can think of. Kate Chopin, a primarily short story writer, does not fall short of this statement. Through her stories, â€Å"The Storm,† and â€Å"The Story of an Hour,† the women seem to be trapped in confining gender roles. By the conclusion of each story all the women find a way to challenge their everyday roles and overthrow them in some matter. Although these stories are dissimilar from eachRead MoreThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin862 Words   |  4 PagesFiction Analysis: The Story of an Hour Kate Chopin’s short story, â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, is about one married woman’s true hidden feelings of being married in the 19th century. The story was published in 1894, a time where it was unacceptable for women to express their wants and needs as a woman. Women were not seen equal to men and did not have the same privileges as men such as voting. Therefore, some of her literary works were considered controversial. It wasn’t soon until the late 20 centuryRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper And The Story Of An Hour Analysis983 Words   |  4 PagesCharlotte Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† and Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour† both take place primarily in domestic spaces representative of the attitudes and feelings of each character. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† tells the story of a young woman’s decent into depression and madness, commonly attributed to the excessive and unnecessary control her husban d exerts over her. â€Å"The Story of an Hour† delves into the conflicted mind of a young woman after hearing the news of her husband’s death and herRead MoreThe Story of a Widow in Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour Essay840 Words   |  4 Pagespowerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature.† Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour† is the story of a woman’s reaction to the news of her husband’s passing. Mrs. Louise Mallard is a young woman most would conclude to be saddened by the passing of her husband. Yet it is in that very moment we find her true feelings. Kate Chopin was born Katherine O’Flaherty on February 8, 1850 in St. Louis MissouriRead MoreAn Analysis Of Kate Chopin s Chopin 1690 Words   |  7 PagesKate Chopin was a famous American author of many short stories and novels. Chopin is now considered to have been a predecessor of the feminist movement and a leader of the feminist authors of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Kate Chopin lived a rather traditional life as a housewife until her husband’s untimely death, which significantly changed the course of her life. Chopin s career as a writer actually began when she started facing financial struggles due to the death of her husband. Chopin’sRead MoreThe Awakening By Kate Chopin915 Words   |  4 PagesMany of Kate Chopin’s writings are trademarked by her unique, deliberate word choices. Chopin uses phrases that do not make sense and seem to contradict themselves to get across a point. In two of her stories, â€Å"The Story of an Hour† and â€Å"The Awakening,† Chopin’s word usage highlights the idea of self-discovery. â€Å"The Awakening† and â€Å"The Story of an Hour† share similar themes. â€Å"The Awakening† is the story of a woman in the late 1800s discovering her apathy for her traditional female role as a wifeRead MoreFeminism And The Advocacy For Equal Rights1563 Words   |  7 PagesFeminism, or the advocacy for equal rights for both women and men, is an important issue with a high relevancy to society today. Kate Chopin was the one of the first feminist American authors, and even if she did not have a direct role in the movement itself, she believed in the core principles of it and wrote feministically in her stories. Kate Chopin’s expressive and realistic style was heavily influenced by her exposure to feminine feelings and experiences throughout her lifetime. Chopin led

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Same Sex Marriages1 Essay Example For Students

Same Sex Marriages1 Essay Alex knows that his family is unusual, to say nothing about his conception. In 1982, a family friend bicycled an oyster jar of his own sperm over to Bonnies Tinker house. Bonnie She administered the insemination herself. Alex Tinker considers Bonnie and Sara Graham his parents. But the father occasionally takes Alexalong with his own childrenhiking or biking (Shapiro and Gregory 2). This example is a prime reason of unacceptable behavior carried on by same-sex partners in todays society. According to the many religious beliefs, same-sex marriages are immoral and sinful. It is understandable that not all people believe this statement, and we do have freedom of religion in the United States of America. One must see this issue from the point of view of a homosexual in order to fully understand the many controversies present in todays society. Being gay and loving another person is not illegal, but uniting that couple in marriage is rejected by most of society. Many people are unaware that legalized homosexual marriage is a probability, nor are they aware of the nearness of this situation. As things stand now, there is a better than 90% probability that homosexual marriage will be legalized (New Storm Brewing 1). Courts in Hawaii would not allow same-sex marriages, and that is now being looked at as unconstitutional. Disallowing these marriages is discrimination against homosexuals, which is a non-constitutional act. Even though same-sex marriages are considered immoral by the many religions, according to our laws there is no reason why these marriages shouldnt take place. Although laws do not make same-sex marriages illegal, there should be limitations. Same-sex marriages should be examined because they often wrongfully affect the well being of children, jeopardize the nature and rights of modern families, and wrongfully disobey many religions. Marriages of the same-sex should not involve children. There is no natural way that two people of the same-sex could have children; therefore, they should not be given custody of a child or the ability to adopt a child. Rules and regulation have recently been written in order to prohibit such situations. Government on the national level is proposing to ban Second-parent adoptions, which in the past have been approved. These regulations would require marital status to be given to the Department of Social Services. Many people have pushed for the approval of this regulation in order to protect innocent children from being placed in an unstable family. Another difficult situation that has been known to arise is when one parent of a marriage finds out that he or she is gay. The adjustment is a struggle for children who think they are a typical heterosexual family to find out suddenly that one of their parents in gay (Shapiro and Gregory 2). All too often children are put into this situation, and some have a hard time coping with the repercussions. Children who have parents of the same-sex are often unbearably harassed by other children and considered an outcast. An innocent child put in a situation that would be emotionally stressful for most of their youth is not necessary. Just imagine what a child would go through. Billy, which one of your dads wore the dress in the wedding? or Suzy, which one of your moms is coming to the mother-daughter picnic? Why put kids in an environment that is not morally or socially acceptable in todays society? It is often hard to let friends, family, and other people with whom you interact know that you are homosexual, or that you have homosexual parents. This was very noticeable in the case of Josh Gehman, when he had to explain to his fianc about his homosexual parents. He stated My marriage fell apart over my wives discomfort with her lesbian in-laws (Shapiro and Gregory 2). Many critics are also arguing that children of gay parents have a higher tendency to become gay themselves. Michael Bailey from Northwestern University says, they are finding rates on the order of 10% of the offspring of gay parents wh .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7 , .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7 .postImageUrl , .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7 , .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7:hover , .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7:visited , .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7:active { border:0!important; } .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7:active , .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7 .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0b2a880bd1b7741541d05a1361f2edd7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Antigone's Tragic Hero EssayBibliography: .

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Impact of Marketing Innovation and Creativity on Service Firms

Abstract Marketing has experienced a dramatic shift from what it used to be in the past years when production was the center of concern to many firms. The service industry has experienced growth in the United Kingdom and currently there are several firms offering various services, from entertainment banking services, hospitality, transport, healthcare, to education, legal and communication services.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on The Impact of Marketing Innovation and Creativity on Service Firms specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are a host of firms offering services in this country. Each line of service has numerous of players offering either the same product or very close substitute. This makes market competition very stiff. A firm that is not able to adapt to the market demands will find itself edged out of the market. This calls for the firms to develop marketing strategies that are responsive to mark et demands and which are able to withstand the pressures of the market. Innovation and creativity in marketing offers the best strategy for firms to get competitive advantage over the competitors. This paper focuses on creativity and innovation in the service firms, with a bias on banking and entertainment sectors. The researcher will apply the use of direct observation (i.e. by participating in some of the activities to get first hand information), interviews and questionnaires in the process of collecting data. From the literature review, it is evident that innovation is a tool that any serious firm cannot afford to assume if it is to succeed in the current competitive marketplace. Introduction Technology has completely changed the way business units approach the marketing issues. There has been an increasing concern of environment conservation that marketers have to observe when positioning their product in the market. The stakeholders’ demands that the firm must explain t he amount of carbon that is released into the environment before the product can be released into the market. The customers are also becoming more aware of their needs and alternative units where they can access the products.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The constantly fluctuating economy makes the market very unpredictable and the cost of production is always changing with sporadic oil prices. The marketer must go against all these odds, and deliver to the market, quality service that is affordable, and can comfortable produce profit to the business. This puts the marketing department at a very precarious position as it has to balance the profitability and the need to retain customers in the market through competitive market prices. Innovation and creativity offers the best way through which a firm can navigate the highly competitive market. Through creative marketing design that incorporates the market demands, a firm is able to attract a good number of customers in the market, hence increase its market share. Marketing innovation and creativity in the service firm is very important because unlike goods, a service may not be tested through seeing or touching. The marketer must therefore be in a position to make the customer appreciate the value that the service offers without having to see it physically. Research Aims With unpredictable market, increasing number of firms offering products in the same line, increased cost of production and delivery of products to the market and increasing environmental concerns, a marketer finds himself at a very difficult situation. S/he must be in a position to respond to the market forces appropriately. As a student of marketing, the main aim of this research is to create an understanding of marketing innovation and creativity among the stakeholders in the service industry, especially the banking and entertai nment sectors. The researcher aims to create an awareness of creativity and how firms can apply it when conducting business in the current competitive market. The researcher also intends to develop an informative dissertation that will not only be important to practicing marketers but also to the students and other scholars who will be interested in conducting further research in the same field latter on. This should be a rich source of information that will help transform the way in which marketing firms conduct their business within the United Kingdom and other European nations. The researcher aims at equipping the stakeholders with information that will transform their marketing approach into that which is technology sensitive.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on The Impact of Marketing Innovation and Creativity on Service Firms specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Research Objectives The researcher was interested in achieving the following objectives: To ascertain the positive impact of creativity and innovation on service firms; with bias on the banking and entertainment sectors. To ascertain the cost implications that is associated with innovation and creativity in marketing operations. To ascertain other non cost constraints that a firm may be forced to withstand when employing innovations and creativity in marketing. To ascertain the level to which firms in the United Kingdom have embraced the use of innovative ideas in running their marketing operations. To bring to focus, direct and indirect benefits that service firms in other locations outside Europe, especially in the United States and China, have incurred by successfully embracing creativity and innovation in marketing. With this, the researcher hopes to inculcate the culture of creativity and innovativeness in the service firms operating in United Kingdom. Scope of the Study The scope of this study is limited to service firms w ithin the United Kingdom, with limited reference to firms in the United States. The researcher limits the research to service firms, especially the Banking and Entertainment sectors. The study will ascertain the implications of innovation and creativity on these firms. The timeline for the study runs for three months, between the months of September and December. Justification of the Study The world has been turned into a global village by technology. A firm in the United States can easily finds its market in the United Kingdom. With a market that has no restriction as to the entry of firms, it remains open to competition from firms that operate in it. The biggest concern to these firms is not the current strong competitor, but the new ones whose marketing strategies are not yet known. The change in the market place has never been such unpredictable. It therefore calls for the service firms that operate in this market to know that it is not an island market that is closed to externa l competitors. They should appreciate that the market demands creativity and innovativeness from the players in order to stay afloat. This is what the research is based on. It fully crates an informative awareness among the players, in bid to making everyone appreciate the need for the same. Literature Review and Conceptual Framework Many scholars have done a lot of research about this topic and some of the works are published while others are yet to be published. The service industry has experienced a massive growth in the past one decade, with the English football rated as the most popular in the world.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There has been an increasing need for more information in this field. The rise in fraudulent activities in the banks, the increasing need for entertainment in the country among other emerging trends have seen the need for innovation and creativity be on the rise. Definitions Kabana (2010, p.589) defines innovation as the inventions of new ideas in solving current problems in a better way. It is the use of technology to bring to life creative methods of approaching marketing in a way that will make the whole process much easier and more effective. Andrzej and Buchaman (2007, p.36) define creativity as the imaginative capability of an individual to come with new ideas and approaches every time he or she faces a similar problem or issue. Services are products that are satisfy the needs of an individual but they are intangible. Marketing creativity therefore refers to bringing in creative ideas in the process of marketing of services, with an aim of gaining competitive advantage over th e rival firms. The marketplace is very competitive and every business unit must make a concerted effort to understand the requirement of the demanding customers. This will enable them design their products to reflect these requirements. Need for innovation and Creativity by Service Firms The market currently is characterized by a customer who is very knowledgeable. Technology has made the world a global village where information flows freely. The social media, the mass media and other forms of communication has made the customer more knowledgeable about the market offerings. They know what they want and where to get them. The market is also flooded with many firms offering similar products. This makes the marketplace very competitive. As a marketer, there is need to not only understand the dynamic customers, but also the competitors in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. Charles Darwin once said that survival is always for the fittest, and that the moment one is not fit enough, then he/she will be eliminated from the existence (Garvin 1988, p.69). This is the principality that is there in the marketplace. Firms must be fit enough to face the daunting challenge that is in the market, failure of which, they will automatically be faced out of the market. Service Marketing in United Kingdom According to Harvard Business Review (2011, p. 13), United Kingdom is one the world’s developed nations with very strong economy. This nation is technologically advanced. This scholarly article asserts that the service sector in this country is well developed, with competitors that are technologically advanced. The service sector, particularly the entertainment sector requires the players to invent new ideas in order to be relevant. A customer who comes to watch a movie in London may not be amused if he comes to the Manchester city and is subjected to the same item without any modifications. It will be boring and at times the customer may be forced to look for other forms of entertainment other than movies. For this reason, this scholar observes that the movie makers must make an effort to create new scenes whenever they go to theatre. This calls for a high level of creativity on the side of the movie maker. S/he must be creative enough to come up with news ideas that have originality and ability to capture attention of those seeking entertainment. The banking sector is not safe from this demand for creativity either. Carson (2008, p.41) reports that Barclay Bank has continuously registered a massive loss from fraudsters who are able to manipulate the system and make away with the company finances. The bank must therefore develop its systems to be foolproof in order to be safe from the constant loss it has experienced from this group which has perfected the art of breaking into this system. It must be innovative enough to develop mechanisms of that are able to protect its data base from undesirable elements that may pose danger to the bank Imp act of Innovation and Creativity on Service Firms Del, Best and Coney (2005, p. 63) observes that there has been a massive growth of service firms in United Kingdom because of their ability to apply innovation and creativity in their marketing strategies. This has seen them grow in the market share to regions beyond Europe. Sports have also embraced creativity. English premier league is the most popular and widely watched football in the world. These scholars explain that football has embraced creativity in many aspects. Unlike before when the fields were maintained by watering them so that the natural grass could be kept at desirable heights to protect the players, currently all the fields in England are carpeted, eliminating the cumbersome practice of maintaining the grass. The carpet is much safe. The teams have also embraced creativity in their management. Football is completely commercialized in this country, unlike what it used to be in the recent past. With the invention of t he DSTV, the English matches are streamed in real time for the lovers of this game worldwide. Some of the popular teams in this country like Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester City, Aston Villa among host of others have following beyond Europe. So successful are the teams that many of the fanatics have died supporting them in countries beyond. Through creativity it has emerged to be one of the most lucrative service industries in the country. Both the players and the team management must make a concerted effort to be more creative and innovative in order to maintain this following. They must ensure that they deliver to their customers, new products, even though this may appear rather absurd in a game like football where the style expected of players in the field has relatively remained the same. The banking sector has also embraced technological innovativeness. They have currently gotten into cheque truncating system that provides both the customers with security from t he fraudsters who have been a major threat to them. Their system has also been changed to flex in order to increase efficiency in operations. Research Design and Methodology Approach of the Research This research plans to incorporate all the stakeholders in the service industry irrespective of their position in the various firms. This population will then be sampled to have a manageable number that is within the scope of time and finance available for the researcher. Population The researcher intends to sample a population of about126 individuals from various service firms within four cities in the United Kingdom: London, Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham. The four cities will be our sample population which will be a representative of the entire nation. The sample will be drawn from professionals in various service firms, especially the banking and entertainment sectors. The sample population will be strictly limited to the locations named above because of the limited time availa ble for the research. Sampling Method The researcher intends to use stratified sampling method in a bid to counter bias that may come from one quarter of the service sector. Even though snowball sampling may work in this case as the aim of the research is to come up with a generalized idea that may be applicable to all the firms in the service sector, it is advisable to use stratified sampling. Other sampling methods may also be applicable in this research, and future researchers may be advised to try them, but the researcher prefers stratified sampling method for this research. Sources of Data Although there are several researchers who have done a lot of work in this field and published a lot of very resourceful, the researcher intends to use primary data as much as possible. The researcher intends to go to the fields and collect raw information from the respondents. This is specifically so because this sector is in a continuous change. This therefore means that information that wa s gathered one year earlier may not be the same information that will be available today. These changes are very important to take note of as it will help the researcher determine the rate at which this industry experiences changes. Secondary sources of information may only be used in case there is need to compare what the condition was in some past days in comparison to what it is today; to predict what it will be tomorrow. The secondary data will be from books, journals, newspapers and other online libraries rich in the information about this field. Data Collection Instruments The researcher intends to use three methods in the collection of the primary data. Although there are other methods of data collection (like electronic methods) that may be used to collect data, the financial scope and time available restricts the researcher to the three methods of data collection instruments. Direct Observation (Participation) The researcher will use survey as the first method of collecting data. In this regard, the researcher intends to participate in the activities of the service sector as a customer (especially in the banking and entertainment sector) to get a fast hand experience of how innovation and creativity is impacting the service sector. This is important because it will be useful when determining bias or falsified information from respondents when other methods of collecting data are employed. The information collected using this method will act as the hypothetical result and we would only be verifying it by the use of other methods. This method may be time consuming and very demanding on the side of the researcher as it requires a lot of keenness. However, it is one of the most reliable sources as it enables the researcher experience the actual impact of innovation and creativity in this industry. Questionnaires The researcher also intends to use questionnaires to gather information from some firms. This is so because; there is information that cannot be gathered by the researcher through observation. The researcher will therefore have to request the executives and individuals working within the service firms to volunteer such information be responding to the questionnaires that will be distributed to them. The questionnaires will be structured in a manner that will allow the respondents give more details in their work, other than just having a fixed Yes and No structured format. They will be mailed to the respondents and be collected after one month. Accompanying the questionnaire will be a cover latter that will be introducing the researcher to the respondent, and explaining the importance of the research to the researcher and to the industry as a whole. The questionnaires are appropriate where there is need to gather information from a wider geographical area, which is the case in this research. Interviews The last method will be face to face interviews that will be conducted by the researcher from among the selected respondents. This will help the researcher gather information that may otherwise be difficult to get through the other two methods. Information that may be sensitive may be collected through this method as the researcher will be available to convince the respondent that the information provided will be handled with care and that researcher will not reveal the identity of the respondent as is demanded by the research ethics. The interviews are also important because the researcher will be able to determine instances where the respondent is providing biased information just by reading the facial expressions. It is also easier to identify falsified information through this method. This method will only cover a smaller population because of financial and time constraints that are involved, especially if the respondents are located in various regions that are widely spread. Data Analysis There will be two sources of data available for analysis: the primary source, and the secondary source that will basically be employed when there is need for comparison of what the situation had been in the past in relation to what it is in the present. The researcher will employ both qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data. With the primary source of data as our main focus, the researcher intends to group the data into three groups depending on their method of collection. Data collected through questionnaires will be approached through quantitative means as they will be received in mass. This information will be very vital in testing our pre-determined hypothesis as we are able to determine the number of respondents whose response are supporting or disputing the hypothesis. Because of the large number of data from this method, we will need to determine how the information varies, what the middle ground is and how far the extreme ends are. This calls for Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) method of data analysis. This will ensure that the result is as near the true face of the market as is possible. Data gathered from direct observations will be given qualitative analysis. This is because the researcher directly participated in it and got a first hand experience on it. It is not subject to any form of bias; save from that which may come from the researcher himself (in which case the ethics restricts the researcher from such), and misinformation that comes from individuals who may be relied on to provide the information. This data will be analyzed to bring to focus how specific service firms have either benefitted or suffered due to innovations and creativity in this field. The researcher intends to apply the use of statistical tools in coming up with values that reflects on the market variability and the statistical units of the firms that have had both positive and negative impacts of marketing innovation and creativity Limitations and Delimitations There are some limitations that are expected during the process of gathering data, data analysis and data presentation s. The research touches on the service industry, an industry where some professions are considered unethical and immoral. When there be a need to gather information from individuals in this field on a face to face basis, chances are high that they may refuse to be responds for fear of intimidations or such related concerns. Some of the executives holding viable information are known to have undue procedural processes when one needs to have interview with them. This may be prohibitive in terms of time. Some respondents may provide information that does not reflect his/her actual feelings, or the facts on the ground. This may result in untrue data that is not reflective of the factual information on the ground. To counter some of these challenges, the researcher plans to conduct an interview that covers a larger sample populations in areas suspected to be in a position to provide unreliable information. This is done so in an attempt to neutralize the possible element of misinformation . The researcher will also explain to the respondent the importance of the study, and the need to provide information that reflects the truth. The researcher also intends to make prior appointment with executives with limited time available for such interviews. Ethical Concerns The researcher understands and appreciates the ethical concerns that a research requires, and wishes to positively apply them in this research. The researcher appreciates that it is not only illegal to reproduce other scholar’s work, but also immoral act that shows cowardice, lack of creativity and high standard of laziness. The researcher appreciates that such actions do not add any value to the field of study as the result of the study will not bring in anything new. For this reason, the researcher will refrain from any acts of plagiarism, and if there is need to refer to what other scholars have done, and then their work will appropriately be referred to according to the demands of the copywriter. T he researcher also intends to maintain a high sense of professionalism in their activities. It is not lost to the researcher that there are some issues that are very sensitive to the society and may raise emotions when referred to. The researcher will avoid subjects that may affect the respondents negatively, or issues that they may not want to talk about due to security reasons or other factors. If this can not be avoided, then the researcher intends to cloth the message in a manner that will not negatively impact on the respondent. Any communication received from the respondents in whatsoever form, will be treated with privacy it deserves, without revealing the identity of the respondents. All the respondents will be briefed on the importance of the research, and the implications that the research will have on them. They will be given a chance to ask questions that relate to this topic or any other question that relates to the research. The respondents will be allowed enough time to complete the questionnaires so tat they may not feel pressured when answering the questions raised in the questionnaires. Any information that may result in negative publicity will be avoided a much as possible. Timetable The research is expected to run for the period between the months of September to December 2011. The following is a time table scheduling the activities that will be done on various days within the stipulated time frame. Time Activity 16thto 30thSeptember Identification of the sample locations, identifying specific firms that will be visited, allocating the necessary time for each. 1stto 15thOctober Structuring the questionnaires that will be distributed in the sample locations indentified. The questionnaires will also aid the process of direct interviewing. 16thto 30 October Distribution of the questionnaires in the locations pre-determined. Conducting interviews from among the sample population 1stto 15thNovember Direct participation of the research er in the field, gathering directly, the data which is relevant to the research. 16thto 30thNovember Gathering the questionnaires from the locations that they were distributed. Arranging them in readiness for analysis. 1stto 15thDecember Analyzing the data using the tools described above. Presenting the analyzed data in tabular and pictorial forms. Format and Presentation After data analysis, the researcher intends to present the findings in tables, graphs, and other pictorial formats that will make the information easy to consume by those who will need it. The graphs will provide a presentable way of summarizing a large piece of information on just one page. The pictorials will help in visualizing the report in order to facilitate clarity in the data presented. The tables will be useful in giving comparison of the cities and how they are affected by the marketing innovations. Conclusion The business environment has become challenging and dynamic following many uncertainties in the environment. Many organizations operating in different environments are forced to use different strategies to maintain their competitiveness. However, marketing remains a vital option since it creates value for the firm. Marketing creativity could be attained through various strategies especially with the use of information technology. Creativity in marketing communication and distribution strategies could help an organization gain competitive advantage in low cost and high revenue performance. Due to this, creativity and innovation in marketing is a must for organizations seeking to dominate the market. Marketers must embrace technology in an effort to coming up with innovative ideas that will be thrilling to the customers. It is through this that the marketers will form attachment between them and the customers, ensuring that their respective firms stay afloat the competition. This paper focuses on creativity and innovation in the service firms, with a bias on banking and e ntertainment sectors. The researcher will apply the use of direct observation (i.e. by participating in some of the activities to get first hand information), interviews and questionnaires in the process of collecting data. From the literature review, it is evident that innovation is a tool that any serious firm cannot afford to assume if it is to succeed in the current competitive marketplace. List of References Andrzej, A Buchaman, A 2007, Organizational behavior, Prentice Hall international, London. Carson, A 2008, Organizational theory: A libertarian perspective, BookSurge, Washington. Del, I, Best, J Coney, K 2005, Consumer behavior, Tata McGraw Hill, New York. Garvin, D 1988, Managing quality, Free Press, New York. Harvad Business Review, 2011, Smart rules: Six ways to get people to solve problems without you, Harvard Business School. Web. Kabani, S 2009, The Zen of social media, an easier way to build credibility, generate buzz, and increase revenue, Benbella Books Inc., Da llas. This proposal on The Impact of Marketing Innovation and Creativity on Service Firms was written and submitted by user Uriah R. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Martin Luther Kings essays

Martin Luther Kings essays Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of great power. His words strong and convincing, yet sincere and promising took outcome to new levels. Kings speeches brought so much change and created peace that was missing before. Letter from Birmingham Jail proved his loyalty and hard work for the Negro Community. King felt that his people that lived in Birmingham and everywhere else were being alienated from their own towns, homes, and stores and he had to do something about it. Martin Luther King Jr. tried as the president of the Southern Christian Conference to negotiate with anyone that was standing in their way. Furthermore, King states that Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere and justice to long delayed is justice denied. These two statements both gave off the same point. Injustice will spread like wild fire and as soon as it happens in one place or situation, it becomes an issue everywhere else. The United States is a country for all types of citizens and all walks of life, but at that time it did not seem like that was the case. King believed that anyone that lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its boundaries, but African Americans were treated as if they did not belong. On the other hand, Kings uphill struggle only would have brought harmony, but if the country did not want to negotiate just a trace then drastic measures would be taken. People of the Negro community lived a life of injustice, just what King was trying to abolish. Black people of the United States were humiliated every day of their lives just because of the color of their skin. King cites some of the injustices that were not just going on in Birmingham but everywhere else in the nation as well. Store fronts refused to remove horrible racial signs and even after negotiations were made they stayed up. Policemen had cursed, kicked, beat,...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Final paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Final paper - Essay Example Those behind these acts claim that they are doing this to protect the interest of Islam. This has certainly not helped the cause of Islam. In fact this has made the life difficult for many of those following the religion. Incidents when leading personalities from many countries having Muslim names are harassed in the name of frisking at airports in US, UK and Germany highlight the kind of suspicions that has arisen in the western nations about those following Islam. Investigating agencies have been pointing towards organizations like Al-Qaeda and people like Osama Bin Laden for carrying out major terror acts happening around the world. Such revelations have in a sense brought the western nations on a collision course with Islam in general. But it is equally true that majority of the Muslims around the world not only denounce such heinous acts, but they are the worst sufferers. Therefore, why is it that the despite being at the receiving end the followers of Islam get labeled as intol erant. Therefore, it is a critical period for the Islamic world and they need to take on the menace head on in order to bring about some pragmatic changes in the attitude of the Western nations towards Islam. Some such steps could be; i. Gradually dissociating themselves from terror related groups: As of now the general impression is that, even if not many nations are supporting the terror groups, they are not coming out openly against those groups either. The silence could be because of some antipathy towards some of the policies of the western nations, but it is indirectly helping the cause of the terrorist outfits. This certainly cannot be done overnight and it has to be a gradual process, because in case of sudden announcements, those making such announcements will themselves become targets of terror outfits. ii. The terrorist activities cannot be carried

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Oil drilling in the ANWLR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Oil drilling in the ANWLR - Essay Example The necessity of oil in driving the local economy cannot be understated. Many Americans need it for fuelling their vehicles, farm and industrial machinery. According to the ANWR website, a majority of Americans continue to experience the burden of expensive gasoline prices. This ironically occurs in a country with over 21 billion barrels of unexploited oil reserves but still spends billions of dollars in importation of oil (Arctic Power). However, past polls conducted by the ‘Dittman Research Corporation’ among the Alaskan populace, showed that over 78% are in support of oil exploration and development in the ANWR (Arctic Power). The opponents against oil drilling in ANWR argue that it would destroy and deface the natural landscape as well as threaten wildlife survival (Natural Resource Defense Council). However, the argument is further from the truth due to several reasons. Foremost, technology advancement has led to the development of oil drilling equipment that cause less â€Å"footprints† on the surface. Consequently, oil drilling in Prudhoe Bay would affect less than 60% of the natural landscape (Arctic Power). Moreover, the argument on disturbance or extinction of wildlife is fallacious since past drilling projects on Alaska have not harmed wildlife in the area. Furthermore, the drilling plans for ANWR are scheduled to occur during winter months when wildlife activity is scarce (Corne & Gelb). The other alternative proposed to oil drilling has been the investment in alternative and renewable sources of energy by Congress. It is a fact that investment in renewable energy is far much cheaper compared to oil exploration and development. However, the possibility of Congress devoting more investment to renewable energy at the expense of oil is quite a challenge. Foremost, a significant portion of Congress members benefit from oil

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Essay Example for Free

Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Essay Organizational behavior is the study and application of knowledge about people or groups of people in an organization. It focuses on what people do and why they do it with aim of improving what they do. Since an organization is a collection of people working together in an organized social structure to achieve a common goal, application of theories and concepts of human behavior is imperative to attain the goals of organizations. Organizational behavior covers areas such as human behavior, leadership in an organization, teams, communications, employee relations etc. Clark, 2008). A study of the organization’s behavior helps the management to succeed in business opportunities. Human resource management is a strategic approach to the management of employees in an organization. It includes activities such as planning, selection, recruitment and maintaining employees. To sustain high performing employees, ensuring safe working environments and compliance to rules and regulations in an organization are some of the main objectives of human resource management. These objectives can only be attained through efficient analyses of the employees’ behaviors. Therefore, when human resource management and organization behavior blend together in an organization, they help to bring about strong and active workforce which help the organization meet its strategic goals. Effective policy development in human resources would help management to establish a strong workforce and explore untapped resources and strategies that would improve the organization performance. In order to employ effective policies, the management should make best decisions in a timely manner in a given situation. Human resource managers should be involved in making strategic decisions of the organization such as being informed on the long term plans of the strategic management. To amicably resolve personnel issues and find appropriate solutions to these issues, the management should have proper human resource policies. The policies should incorporate fresh ideas that reflect current situation in the organizations and the current business world in general. Human resources policies ensure that employees receive equal treatment in a wide range of employment issues and in legal matters incase they arise. To effectively develop human resource in any organization, it is necessary to have policies on employees’ benefits such as educational assistance, retirement benefits, health care and medical benefits etc. Another factor to consider when formulating the policies is the safety, health and security of the employees. Issues such as workplace violence, drugs, crisis management, and diseases like HIV/AIDS should be addressed in policy development. In addition it is important to consider employees relations which entail dispute resolutions and grievances, employees privacy, employees performance management, discipline and the conduct of employees in the organization. Selection, recruitment and placement of employees is a fundamental function in the human resource management. Discrimination in terms of race, religion, sex or in any form should be discouraged in the hiring and recruitment process. In order to improve employees’ skills and their efficiency, there should be a policy on employee training and development. In conclusion, effective policies should seek to motivate employees whereby they feel comfortable and satisfied hence improve their performance. The human resource should operate in a flexible environment. For instance, employees can operate in shifts where different people start and end their workday at different time. The organization should adopt technologies that would enable the employees to work outside the workplace. A study in organizational behavior shows that different people get motivated in different ways and can perform better under different circumstances. The management should therefore, customize their way of rewarding employees to their particular preferences (Marques, 2007).

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Aids And Its Causes :: Free AIDS Essays

AIDS and Its Causes 1.INTRODUCTION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In June 1981, the centers for The Disease Control of the United States reported that five young homosexual men in the Los Angels area had contracted Pneumocystis Carinii pneumonia( a kind of pneumonia that is particularly found in AIDS patient). 2 of the patients had died. This report signalled the begninning of an epidemic of a viral disease characterized by immunosuppression associated with opportunistic infection( an infection caused by a microrganism that does not normally produce disease in human; it occurs in persons with abnomality functioning immune system), secondary neoplasms( any abnormal growth of new tissue, benign or malignant) and neurologic mainfestation, which has come to be known as AIDS.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Though Aids was first discovered in U.S.A, AIDS has been reported from more than 163 countries around the world and an estimated 10 million people are infected worldwide. Worsestill, the pool of HIV- infected persons in Africa is large and expanding. 2.RISK GROUP AND MODE OF TRANSMISSION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Studies in the U.S.A. have retentified five groups of adults at risk for developing AIDS. The case distribution in these groups are as follows: (1). Homosexuals or bisexual males constitute the largest group, about 60% of the reported cases. This includes 5% who were intravenuous drug as well. (2). Intravenous drug users with no previous history of homosexuality compose the next largest group, about 23% of all patients. (3). Hemophiliacs (the people who have inborn disease characterized by excesssive bleeding and occuring only in males) especially those who received factor VIII concentrate before 1985, about 1% of all patients. (4). Recipents of blood and blood components who are not hemophiliacs but who received tranfusions of HIV-infected whole blood components (e.g. platelet, plasma) account for 2 %. (5). Other high risk groups: 86% of patients acquire disease through heterosexual contacts with members of other high risk groups. 80% of children with AIDS have a HIV-infected parents and suffer from transplacental or perinatal transmission.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Thus from the preceding discussion, it should be aparent that transmission of HIV occurs under conditions that facilitate exchange of blood fluids containing the virus-infected cells. Hence, the three major routes of transmission are sexual contact , parenteral routes( ie adminstration of a substance not through the digestive system) and the passage of the virus from infected mothers to their new borns where are mainly by three routes: in the womb by transplacental spread, during delivery through a infected birth canal, and after birth by ingestion of breast milk. 3. CAUSES   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is little doubt that AIDS is caused by HIV-I, a human type C retrovirus ( RNA virus the contains the enzyme, reverse transcriptase , to

Monday, January 13, 2020

A&P vs Araby

In this essay I hope to show differences between John Updike’s A&P and James Joyce’s Arbay. Some of the things are that both of the authors talk about the same idea of a young boy’s growth for their adolescences. These boys need a lot more experience with the real world this comes with time, age and also experience. What is it like for Sammy to grow up with his parents and arbay to grow up with his aunt and uncle? In these essays what would you do if you were in the same situation as these boys? How do these boys need to grow up and mature?Or do you think that their actions might be a little overboard Even though John Updikes’s and James Joyce differ in stories they both are talking about the same type of situation two boys that are growing up from their different situations from their adolesonces. This common ground becomes clear through the way both of the authors wrote their essays. In John Updike’s essay Sammy Works for A&p when he saw a group o f girls come into the store while he was working right away he judged them on what they were wearing and how they looked not even to stop to think about anything about there personality’s.In James Joyce’s essay the author refers to the girl of his his dreams as Megan’s sister? What is her name does he know anything about her. You can see where these stories are starting to one another to relate to one another. In John Updike’s essay A&P Sammy Is telling the story from his perspective witch makes the essay less interesting in my opinion. On the Other hand with James Joyce’s essay Arbay he is a little bit more Experienced and very articulate with his words witch makes the essay more interesting.Sammy from A&P has become very aggravated at his job because the customers are very inconsiderate for many different reasons: As he mentions â€Å"She’s one of the these cash register witches† (227). That gave him hell beause he rang up a box of Hiho crackers two times by mistake. Sammy really got aggravated after that incident happened at work I think that really started to get him aggravated at that point he was really starting to think rationally and not in a mature manner. We see the author and main character of Araby as he battles with his adulthoodEmotions as he tries to understand his feelings towards Megan’s sister every morning He follows her but hardly speaks to her Still â€Å"her name was like a summons to all my Foolish blood† (227). He is still a boy, since he is too scared to approach her but dealing With adult feelings which he does not understand? His anger is shown at the end of the Story, since the bazaar is closed and there is nothing he can get for her and he says â€Å"he Sees himself as a creature driven and derided by vanity† This again shows the battle ofHormones as he sees his feelings being based on how he can impress Megan’s sister. Both boys are going through growing into adulthood differently in their stories Sammy being at the A&P sees his store as the average place where the boring, ugly Average people go the girls he sees come in represent a fantasy of his the better Merchandise that is better than average the main character of Araby also has a fantasy But in his turn to adulthood he tries to buy the girl of his dreams an object Therefore, It’s a subject shown as the boys are growing into adulthood it is frustrating to bothSince the boy in Araby is unable to attain anything for the sister, and Sammy sees the Merchandise at A&P as average and meaningless anyway Vanity is frustrating because a lot of girls like physical things and gifts from boys and for the boy in Araby he is not able to get this and therefore has failed in being able to impress the girl Sammy sees the A&P as not being good enough for the bathing suit girls which maybe why he decides it is not good enough for him either. One thing I want to point out is that in A&P we see the difference between omeone in adulthood and someone growing into it While Sammy wishes to see the girls in their bathing suits that come into A&P, his manager scolds the girls, telling them they have too little clothing Sammy here represents one side of pre-adulthood, where in his mind the girls are better than the average woman who shop in A&P, the ones who are â€Å"house slaves in pin curlers† and â€Å"women with six children and varicose veins mapping their legs† (64).His manager is the other side well into his adulthood who sees the girls as being indecent, and even says something about the next time they will ave to come in â€Å"with their shoulders covered† (64) Sammy is so angered at this he quits which shows the level of emotion in the theme of growing into adulthood His Hormones have gotten the best of his reason and he acts upon his emotions. Although there are definite differences in â€Å"Arabay† and â€Å"A&P,† we see the sam e theme of growing into adulthood in both stories This is not an easy task Both Sammy and the boy from Arabay find themselves frustrated as they go through their thoughts Sammy is concerned with quality which is something he sees little of in theA&P, in both his judgment of the A&P and women that usually are shopping in it The author of Arabay is also concerned with quality on a different level He hopes to get a good present for his friend’s sister that is the girl he is feeling his adulthood directed on. He is unhappy when he comes to the bazaar, and sees that most of the things are gone and he is unable to provide something to the girl of his dreams that satisfies him. In both stories the boys share a common frustration with their feelings and change in attitudes, which show the inner turmoil of hormones, and their progress to adulthood.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Gender Socialization And Gender Roles - 1452 Words

Mirna Abed English 120 Professor Lessor 5/14/2016 Gender role in socialization Gender socialization and gender roles have always existed in society. Gender roles are playing major part in our way of living. As we grow, we learn how to behave and respect from those surrounding us as well as children learn at a young age what it means to be a boy or a girl in our society . there are certain roles placed on boys and girls in accordance with their gender. These gender roles are set on children from birth and are taught until eventually they are accepted as adults. In this socialization gender role process , children are introduced to certain roles that are typically attached to their biological sex. Socialization of gender roles is supported through three major points parents ,social media, and education system First, parents influence children in regards to gender roles. From birth to certain years of age, most children are almost constantly surrounded by their parents. A child s first look to gender differences is learned through interaction with his or her parents. Most parents dress their babies in gender specific clothing and give them toys according to their gender stereotypes. according to gender (Witt, 1997), One study shows that parents expect their kids to act differently. Which means the colors that parents use in clothing, room decor, and toys are one way in which gender role stereotyping is clear. Color provide as a clue to knowledge theShow MoreRelatedGender Socialization And Gender Roles998 Words   |  4 Pagesattention to the gender equality issues many societies face. Is this increased awareness helping towards a neutral gendered socialization process which will inevitably eliminate the inequality? Gender socialization is the process where an individual is impacted by agents of socialization through their life stages which consequently creates the gender roles we see in today’s society. The only way to start working towards a gender equal world is by making changes towards the gender socialization process. GenderRead MoreGender Socialization And Gender Roles999 Words   |  4 PagesEarly gender socialization is perhaps one of the most relevant issues and debates of early childhood. The beginnings of stereotypes for gender roles are typically established at birth, and continue a process of learning specific cultural roles and standards in accordance with the sex of the individual. Gendered interactions begin early in the family and hence influence the process of gendered socialization, as was such the case for myself growing up. Socialization comes from a number of sources:Read MoreGender Roles And Gender Socialization985 Words   |  4 PagesForum 1: Gender Roles and Gender Socialization 1.   Explain why gender is not a property of individuals but rather a feature of social situations.   Give specific examples, including your own experiences, in which gender differences were assumed to be natural but were really social constructed. Note: It helps to distinguish between the concepts of sex and gender in answering this question (see definitions in Chapter 3 and lecture notes). Gender is not a property of individual because it providesRead MoreGender Socialization And Gender Roles Essay2371 Words   |  10 PagesSociety has this unknown expectation for genders to have a type of distinction toward one another, attitudes and behaviors that males and females are required to have. Gender socialization is society’s way to categorize the propensity for males and females to be socialized differently. Media, violence, even politics has a large contribution to the division among genders in the 21st century creating by creating a new culture of independents. Media has been promoted very selectively and carefully,Read MoreSocialization Of Gender Roles1524 Words   |  7 Pagesborn, we are born into a world of conformity and obedience. Early in our lives, we look at authority figures like parents or teachers as these sentinels of guidance, as omnipotent beings with unwavering precision in their lessons. The concept of socialization is very perplexed, and itâ⠂¬â„¢s difficult to identify the variables that shape our development as we grow. As children, we communicate with the world free of inhibition, and find no fault in any of our actions; we could throw a tantrum and no one wouldRead MoreGender Socialization and Gender Roles Essay1184 Words   |  5 PagesGender socialization and gender roles have always existed in society. When analyzing gender roles, they are not always equal or consistent when comparing cultures, however, the expectations of females and males are often times clearly defined with a little to no common area. The Japanese culture is an example of the defined gender roles that change over time. According to Schafer (2010), because â€Å"gender roles are society’s expectations of the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males andRead MoreThe Role Of Socialization And Gender Roles852 Words   |  4 PagesINTRODUCTIOn tell me what you are focussing on†¦ and theirgender roles Socialisation is the process by which a child learns to respect his or her environmental laws such as norms, values and customs. Socialisation helps the infant gradually become self-aware and a knowledgeable person, skilled in the ways of the culture into which he or she is born. Children within the primary socialisation of the family learn a great deal from parents and other care givers such as grandparents, grandmothersRead MoreThe Role Of Socialization On Gender Identity2394 Words   |  10 PagesThe Influence of Socialization on Gender Identity Gender-Role Conformity As evident from the generalized patterns found in differences in behaviour and outlook observed between the sexes, it may be tempting, as has been done in the past, to conclude that gender is an unavoidable aspect of human existence as determined purely from one s genes. Indeed, human physiology is subject to sexual dimorphism; statistically significant differences in brain size and rate of maturation of specific substructuresRead MoreGender Socialization Is The Process Of Learning Gender Roles And Expectations1177 Words   |  5 Pagestradition of gender socialization that facilitates prejudicial practices within the work environment. Gender socialization is the process of learning gender roles and expectations. It is what determines which things are considered masculine or feminine. This process tends to reinforce traditional gender ideologies. The cult of domesticity, or the idea that a woman’s place is in the home taking care of children while the man works, is one prominent expression of traditional gender roles. During childhoodRead MoreHow Toys Play A Role On Gender Socialization1229 Words   |  5 Pagesunusual for their gender. Toys are a prominent factor in this socialization, because they are typically presented for one gender and are unacceptable for the other. To assess how toys play a role in gender socialization, I made a trip to Toys â€Å"R† Us in College Station and was surprised by how the store was organized. The first thing that went through my mind when walking into the store was to look for the Girls and Boys signs that would indicate to me which section was for which gender. There weren’t